Magical Whale
“When I decided to make a film about the humpback whales in Bermuda, I had no prior experience with underwater video cameras and no experience with humpback whales. At the end of that first season, after investing all that money on the camera equipment, I didn’t have a minute of underwater footage of whales. The local fishermen told me all the whales had gone but I kept going out hoping to find a whale. I was in the water filming dolphins when I had that unexpected two-hour encounter with Magical Whale that changed my life. I’m still looking for my cetacean alter ego.”
Learn more about my encounter with Magical Whale and how my journey with the whales begain. Chapter 6 of my documentary, “Where the Whales Sing” narrated by Elsa when she was 6 years old.
Read the account of my encounter with Magical Whale, Chapter 2 in my upcoming book, The Whale Whisperers
Footage taken with my iPhone of three whales interacting with us