Nobody knows this better than my team of enablers, but whatever I have achieved with the whales could not happen without their active support, input, encouragement, backstopping and financial assistance. Thanks to my sister Jackie for our beautiful logo.
Our Sponsors
Our funding partners 2025:
Atlantic Conservation Partnership
Sargasso Sea Commission
The Fidelis Foundation
Jim and Debbie Butterfield
James Gibbons
Dr Annabel Carter
Australia Japan Cable
For reaching out to us through their ongoing financial support thanks to:
The Team
Andrew Stevenson, Founder of WhalesBermuda since 2006.
Elsa Stevenson, Captain, crew and kid since 2003
Nolwenn Pugi, Marketer, organizer, keeps everyone (me) focused and on track
Somers Stevenson, Captain, crew and kid since 2008
Camilla Stringer, Pilot and accomplice since 2007
Cecile Rigaux, Capitaine and Organisateur depuis 2016
Judie Clee, Matching Queen since 2007
Taylor Gorham, Captain and Data Analyst since 2022
Roger Etcheberry, Maître de l’appariement d’identité des baleines à bosse
Kevin Horsfield, Accomplice since 2007
Somers freediving at the age of 11
Somers comes out on Magical Whale
Elsa comes out on Magical Whale
Somers greets us on our return from the ocean
Elsa looking for Magical Whale on the Silver Bank, Dominican Republic at 8 years old