“I have been passionate about many things in life including: sailing, wildlife, flying, traveling, mountains, the ocean, humpback whales and my family- not necessarily in that order, although the sequence does represent a chronological order of how my interests evolved. I grew up in Hong Kong, India, Scotland/London, Kenya, Malaysia/Singapore and Canada. As an adult I have lived in France, Norway and Tanzania and worked extensively in Southern Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland, Mali, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Indonesia. Some of my favorite destinations so far are Bhutan, Antarctica, Svalbard and the Galapagos Islands. My immediate family have lived in Bermuda for some decades. Although I am British and Canadian, I have a Kiwi wife and my two children, Elsa and Somers have dual passports- from Canada and New Zealand. I have a postgraduate academic education in International Economics and started my working life in the financial world, but followed my heart and passions, changing careers readily and frequently. I've been taking photographs since I was a teenager and have written some twelve books published in four languages in nine countries including three photographic books. Self-taught, I started making films in 2005 and have single-handedly produced, directed, filmed, narrated and edited three award-winning documentaries, "Paving Shangri La" filmed in the Himalayas, and "Where the Whales Sing" and “Secret Lives of the Humpbacks” filmed in Bermuda.
In my latest iteration, as a daddy at home, I’ve been obsessed with the humpbacks for almost two decades. Elsa, 19 and Somers, 14 have known their dad all their lives as the ‘Whale Man’. Over the years they have accompanied me on my excursions on the ocean to find Magical Whale whenever school holidays permitted.
My role as a father has been the most demanding and rewarding thing I have ever done. If I can also leave a legacy of stewardship of the whales and oceans to my kids and their generation, I will feel I have achieved something. “
Andrew Stevenson
My two accomplices over the years, Somers and Elsa
“An aerial perspective is something that fascinates me and I am one of those people who insists on sitting by a window when I fly commercially and I will happily stay glued to that window throughout the flight amazed that I am able to see the world from above. I flew my Cessna 182 when I was in my twenties in Tanzania, East Africa, and went on to do a commercial pilot's license in Canada. I call the drone my flying tripod. I no longer fly planes but flying a drone (positioning my tripod) is the next best thing and I marvel when I see on the computer screen how exponentially beautiful Bermuda is when seen from the air. When I bought my first drone, in preparation for using it to document the humpbacks, I practiced flying around Bermuda. As is readily apparent from my website www.bermudaarialography.com, I'm fascinated with how Bermuda sits in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean and how that ocean permeates Bermuda through the inlets, harbors, sounds, creeks, coves and beaches. But of course my real passion is observing the humpbacks from the air. “
Aerial video under commercial license issued by the Bermuda Civil Aviation Authority